To explore life stories of local participants in the Athabasca Area Seniors' Memory Project, go to http://digiport.athabascau.ca/aasmp/. Check out this website and enjoy the online oral life stories and photos of the more than 70 Athabasca seniors that have been interviewed for the project. The oral stories, photos and transcripts are also available on CDs provided to participants and Alice B. Donahue Library & Archives in Athabasca, which is open to the public Tuesday and Thursday afternoons, and also on request.
To add your story to this collection, or help as an interviewer, please contact Rosemary Neaves at 780-689-6652 or secretary@athabascaunitedchurch.ca.
Audio interviews have been transcribed into text. For information about transcripts or to access the transcrpts, contact Mavis Jacobs at 780-675-7118 or email mavisj@zoho.com.
Thank you to many community volunteers and organizations that have helped enormously with this project. As well, we are very grateful for support of many organizations, including Athabasca University, Alice B. Donahue Library & Archives, Athabasca & District Seniors' Society, South Athabasca Entertainment Society and the Government of Alberta.